A look at 2017 processes “WANTED”

Desarrollo de Carrera

We took a look at our 2017, glancing at all our search processes carried out. How the work market behaved? What was the most searched areas, industries, positions and types of profiles? What was the trend?

The year 2017 had signs of green sprouts, the focus was on growth and that was noticed in the search of more commercial related areas positions. As Headhunting company, our 134 search processes, noted a 40% growth in searches of commercial positions (sales, marketing, product development and new business), in regards to the year 2016. We made 134 processes in 2017, 22% were for commercial areas (mainly sales).

Following the most sought after positions, the year was also very focused on the areas of back office (finance, accounting, IT and audit) and the area of operations.

We want to emphasize that in the IT areas is where more investment showed. We are living a digital transformation of the business, this is not a trend, but a reality that is being installed as a way for enterprises to be competitive and stay on top of times, is a new way of doing business in all the industries.

This is how companies are putting together their IT areas with more commercial profiles and agile methodologies. And in this context the challenge is to actively join in this process of transformation, do not expect that changes happen, but rather to promote them, participating in the processes of technological integration, taking roles and responsibilities that make them part of the change. That’s the kind of profile that is requiring.

And in the line of the most sought after profiles, we perceive a major sociological shift. 2017 women joined steadily, showing a greater presence in the executive positions, 33% of the positions were filled by women, while 2016 was a 31%. Proof of this is that in the year 2017, we had as a requirement by some clients the incorporation of women in the triads, to achieve gender equity in its structure, even in areas usually occupied by men (such as operations).

Continuing with the most requested profiles, the preference was projectable profiles, with 3-7 years of experience, who provide some know-how that would allow them to work and learn fast.

In connection with the products, the most popular industries in 2017 were energy, Industrial, financial and technology, mainly.

Finally, the employment picture is perceived to be auspicious, companies are putting together their teams and preparing for a year with expectations, where talents must meet the digital challenge, being permanent transformation managers.