3 Month Executive Onboarding

Program aimed at facilitating and accelerating the effectiveness in the exercise of the new position, validation with stakeholders, the deployment of the leadership and role in relation to culture, with a comprehensive approach between the Executive, Head, HR and External Consultant, through a personalized accompaniment methodology.

Four Step Onboarding

As an answer to the health contingency, we generate a lower cost service, with agility, flexibility and speed, in order to facilitate and accelerate the objective of an Executive Onboarding program, through an exclusive interaction with the executive in transition, teaching the methodology of Four Steps and advising on how to apply it in the work reality.

Corporate Onboarding

Design of routes of actions grouped according to position families, aligned with the Company’s strategy and customized to the organizational reality, usually associated with income planning, restructuring or growth processes. Developed through an Onboarding Committee and whose subsequent implementation allows autonomy to our clients.

Onboarding workshops

Design and facilitation of workshops to deliver theoretical and practical tools aimed both at groups of people who are assuming a new position and at the direct managers who hire and receive them, in order to accelerate their effectiveness, achievement of results and integration.