IMD invites its partners to Mexico


During October, International Search Group (IMD) held the second annual headhunter’s convention for the worldwide leading companies, positioned in the search for senior executive positions.

The activity took place in Monterrey, Mexico and with representatives from all the European countries, the United States, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and China as a special guest.

At the meeting they worked together on issues, shared practices and new business opportunities were sought out. Also at that time, the current situations of the labor market and industry in each country were presented, how searches are positioned, what industries advanced and who has more expertise, among other topics.

Additionally, group workshops were performed and subsequently every member had the opportunity to meet up with others who had a common interest, to exchange experiences on how to approach certain projects with clients in a particular industry.

On this occasion, China was invited for future incorporation as a member of IMD and exposed to the reality of private enterprise versus state. The latter has a hierarchical style of work, where only the general manager of the company makes decisions. Private enterprise, meanwhile, are focused on the outside, its organizational structure is imported, i.e. foreign executives generally are therefore turning to International Head Hunting companies to form their teams. The long-term challenge for China is in training its executives, because the goal is to position itself in the services that provide added value, leaving behind the image of factory products worldwide. An example of this is the progressive installation of prestigious university campuses in China.

Another interesting topic was the highlighted exhibition of Australia, a country that works with more sophisticated Human Resources processes. In this instance, it shared the test of positive leadership, a key milestone for measuring an executive, characteristics by which management is measured in a company.

In the case of the U.S., the competitiveness is evident, which exists in the sector, where the differentiating factor is predisposed in the relationship with the customer.

Finally, for Chile it was an occasion to share working methods, innovation processes, to discuss the reality of the Head Hunting industry, to identify trends, and to identify new opportunities, among other topics.