SommerGroup® presents the model and benefits of the Onboarding programs

In order to share new trends and valuable tools in managing people, SommerGroup® Onboarding placed a presentation in the Diario Financiero. What we mean is we placed the foundations of the model, the facilitators of a successful program and the main benefits achieved.
The lecture took place on Thursday August 11 at the Hilton Doubletree hotel as part of a breakfast, organized by the Diario Financiero’s Training Executive and was conducted by Rodolfo Sommer, CEO and Founding Partner of SommerGroup®. Along with about 60 leaders, executives and consultants from different areas who participated in this talk, it was possible to share experiences, lessons learned and interesting reflections.
While onboarding programs are gradually becoming known, it is not yet clear for all its definition, scope, or difference with traditional induction. Therefore, onboarding can be explained as a “Strategic tool that is responsible for managing the transition, in order to facilitate and accelerate progress towards the initial results”. This is aimed at those who assume a new role; not only those from recruitment, but also from promotions, relocations or expatriations. Furthermore, the extent of these processes tend to be at least three months and provide a systemic approach (not just content delivery or expertise).
This model shows SommerGroup® Onboarding in four dimensions; Role Effectiveness, Relations Management, Culture and Self-Management/Quality of Life.
Clarifying the role’s focus and priorities, to identify “quick wins” and to realize a Project Landmark, is the starting step, which must be clear, specific, realistic and in line with the direct leadership. It is the basis for a technical validation.
Simultaneously, one must identify, map and promptly manage the relationship with stakeholders. It involves defining who they are, how they relate to one’s objectives and how one can boost employment.
As a third dimension, it is essential to understand the organizational culture, subcultures and, in some cases, a country’s culture. There are cases of highly technical and relationally skilled people, however, if you can’t read in a timely manner the proper codes or can’t adapt to these, the results can be equally poor. Understanding the processes for decision-making, communication channels, social spaces, histories, values, heroes and milestones are some of the many elements to consider.
A final dimension, talks about the importance being proactive, an openness to learning and feedback. In addition, the awareness of being in a natural process of vulnerability and uncertainty are key for self-care.
From the nearly 10 years of experience in onboarding programs it has also been possible to identify the characteristics that trigger success. Among these; the involvement and commitment of the direct leadership (acting as the main host), fulfillment of promises and expectations created during the selection process, program design even before day one (preboarding) and measuring specific results.
In this way, either through massive and transversal programs or by individual processes and more customization, there are many benefits; decreased rates of early turnover, higher levels of engagement, successful performances in the first months, greater attraction of the company in the market and both professional and personal satisfaction for those that assume a role such as those from your team.
¡The invitation is made! The effort and energy put into the identification, selection and recruitment/promotion of a new executive are not lost, so we are assured to also create the context (onboarding) so that it effectively achieves the expected results, thus moving from being from “potential contributor” to a “net contributor”.